LOOK | The Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges participated in the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on November 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM. The Earthquake and Fire Drill was led by our Safety Officer, Sir Rejohn Lira Barias, RCrim.
Right after the Earthquake Drill, there was also a conduct of Brief Fire Safety and Fire Fighting Awareness Program. The students from each department were also given a chance to be taught on how to properly use a fire extinguisher and how to cease a fire.
The Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill and Fire Drill aims to ensure awareness and preparedness among the students and staff on the possible threat an earthquake may bring.
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges is committed to prioritize the safety and comfort of the students by participating in drills that can significantly strengthen their disaster preparedness in case an inevitable emergency occurs.